Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Last Night

We had so much fun lighting our menorahs, cooking and eating our greasy latkes and sufganiyot, spinning our dreidels, dancing at Chanuka parties and even getting a few presents. We were sad to see Chanuka go, but are already looking forward to Tu b'Shvat!
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Chef Sruli at Work

Sruli's special Chanuka gan started a little later in the morning, so we used the time to fry up the doughnuts we made the night before. I added in ribat chalav (duche de leche) and Sruli spread a little strawberry jelly in his. They were delish!
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Here we are enjoying our first jelly doughnuts of Chanuka. Yum!
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The First Night of Chanuka

We were so excited to light the menorah on the first night and to watch the oil burn. We had fun taking walks outside after we lit to look at all of the menorahs in the windows. It's great to be in Jerusalem for Chanuka - menorahs outside in glass cases by doorways and in nearly every apartment, and no x-mas decorations in sight. We loved eating our latkes and doughnuts that we made together, too.
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Chanuka Party Performance

I know Chanuka is over, but you can relive the excitement watching these 13 seconds of Sruli's gan Chanuka party performance. Sorry, the card on the video recorder was full. Of course, the actual live performance was much better, but you get the idea.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Chanukah is in the Air!

Sruli and Kayla have been busy at home and in gan getting ready for Chanukah. Kayla came home today with a "frying pan" full of jelly donuts that looked almost good enough to eat. We might have to try our hand at making our own sufganiyot, jelly donuts, this year. Sruli made a "Chanukah Man" with a jug of oil for a head, candles for his arms and gelt for his legs.
They are both learning so much about Chanukah. When I asked them who won the war, the Jews or the Greeks, Sruli's answer was, "Hashem!" We are all getting very excited for next week....
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Bad to the Bone

After a brief hiatus, Woozy Shmoozy has recovered from her stomach bug, b"H. Since I know that all you "fans" out there really come to check out the kinderlach photos, I hope these latest will satisfy you for the time being.

Here they are attempting to ride Sruli's bike/motorcycle together.

Gettin' Long in the Tooth

Well, Chevy's really growing up. If you look closely (get out the magnifying glass) at the picture on the left, you can see Chevy's 2 first bottom teeth. In typical Chevy fashion, we didn't even know she was teething until, one day, there they were. We'll be giving her steak in no time.
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You're Never Too Young...

Here are my 2 reliable "babysitters." Sruli and Kayla take their jobs very seriously - and literally. They bring over their chairs and then sit by the baby. They know to give Chevy a "teeth toy" and to try to make her smile when she cries. Now, I wonder how long until I can leave them alone...?
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